Electric appliance and house span>
Electronic appliances and household goods Shishido / Since 2014

Come see us about all things electrical for your home
We carry Panasonic electrical appliances and equipment
Here, you can find solutions to all your electronics needs, including a great selection of Panasonic products. We also offer a wide range of services, including repairs of appliances, and construction equipment, consultations space requirements for refrigerator installations and parts ordering. Everything from telephone consults to repairs to after-sales follow up are handled by one staff, unlike the case of contacting major companies. The strength of our shop is the ease of communication and friendly service by people who have visited your home and have gotten to know.
Sometimes it’s the little things
Simple repairs and maintenance are done at stores, but there’s a great selection of parts available. Specialty parts can be ordered from manufacturers.

Parts and equipment can be ordered if not currently in stock at the store

We offer consultations for replacements or installations of the products you see

Also available are miscellaneous parts, such as wall outlets and lighting fixtures