Haruno Osteopath / Acupuncture

Osteopathy, moxibustion and acupuncture, Haruno / Since 2017

The eye-catching red sign

Treatments combining adjustments with acupuncture, tailored to the individual

This osteopathy and acupuncture clinic has been in Soshigaya for two years. In addition to the director who performs acupuncture and moxibustion, there is a judo adjustment specialist on staff. Pain from injuries is treated with acupuncture and moxibustion. Our treatments are tailor-made to each individual.

Cosmetic acupuncture is also popular

Our services include acupuncture, relaxation massage, various manipulations and stretching for the treatment of fractures, sprains, bruises, and cuts and are payable through insurance. Recently, our cosmetic acupuncture services have become popular.

My name is Yutaka Yaguchi, the director. I enjoy carrying the mikoshi shrine at festivals

Like our signboard, the waiting room sofa is red and white

We offer discount campaigns regularly

Haruno Osteopath / Acupuncture

Address: 3-35-12 Soshigaya
TEL / 03-5490-1001
Business hours: 8:30-13:00, (Monday-Saturday); 15:30-20:30 (till 18:30 Sunday)
Closed: Holidays (varies)
Credit card / Accepted
Website / https://noagroup.jp/shoplist/013/