Local Life Support Center Support Center Kinuta

Neighborhood assisted living Support Center Kinuta / Since 2002

Since the 2019 building renovation, we have been located on the second floor

Consultative support for people living with disabilities

This facility is designed to assist members of the community with disabilities and their families so that they can live with peace of mind. We provide consultative services with registered members on daily life, provide information on various community resources (such as social welfare sources), help members navigate the system, run small-group programs and also community exchange activities. You can also browse our collection of informational materials regarding available local resources and organizations.

Special classes and programs for registered members

We regularly hold classes in subjects, like computers, stretching, vocational skills, daily social interactions (SST / social skills training), and peer counseling for women. Those interested are welcome to watch

Second floor entrance

The facility has plenty of room for physical exercise

Community Life Support Center Support Center Kinuta

Address / Soshigaya 3-24-1 202
TEL / 03-3483-2471
Business hours / 10:00-17:00
Regular holidays: Sundays, Mondays, national holidays, New Year’s holidays
Website / https://sckinuta.jimdo.com/