JA Ceremony Monoshiri field Soshigaya
This is a general purpose funeral company providing services from pre-consultations for funeral services through to their finish. Pet memorial service is also available.
Located in a small alley off the main street
My name is Ensatsu, the president. I am a consultant for the shopping district
There are many properties that can be shown not only Soshigaya area but across the Setagaya Ward as well
The Ultraman shopping district has limited goods available for sale (400 yen per set)
\ Featured Stores /
JA Ceremony Monoshiri field Soshigaya
This is a general purpose funeral company providing services from pre-consultations for funeral services through to their finish. Pet memorial service is also available.
Cocokara Fine Pharmacy Soshigaya
A pharmacy with a beautiful paper cutting art display. Ask about our convenient medicine notebook app.
Apia body alignment Deux
We have served clients with the body balance method for 80 years to fundamentally improve neck and shoulder stiffness, backache and headache.