Sato Chiropractic Office
Chiropractic Sato / Since 2011

A warm chiropractic office run by a couple
Upgrading body malfunctions with advanced technology
With more than 18 years of experience in the chiropractic industry and more than 20,000 operating experiences, we will fundamentally improve the cause of physical disorders. Among the many chiropractic techniques, we perform mainly the technique of “Diversified” which is the most difficult technique. It adjusts the skeleton and muscles of the whole body with a safe and secure treatment method that can be received by both pregnant and baby, leading to improvement of painful symptoms. Please talk about various problems such as chronic headache, stiff shoulders, back pain, pelvic correction before and after childbirth.
Intensive courses specializing in posture and courses specialized before and after childbirth
For those who are worried about the posture, we recommend the “Posture Improvement Concentration Pack (30000 yen excl. Tax / 5 times)”. A practitioner qualified as a posture education instructor will give a lecture on posture knowledge and self-care methods. There is also a postpartum maternity pack (45,000 yen excl. Tax / 9 times) that can counteract postpartum pelvic distortion immediately after childbirth.
Welcome with baby
Bouncers, playpens, DVD players, etc. are also available, so please come with confidence with your baby. In addition to a wealth of knowledge and experience, the practitioner’s own birth experience allows for accurate diagnosis and treatment during pregnancy.

The second floor of the building next to the Mikawaya liquor store

Look for the orange sign

Many photos are displayed in the reception corner

In spacious treatment room, you can receive treatment while letting baby and infant play